Welcome to the world of fantasy with Freshman Media Communications major, River. Each week they will immerse you in a new world with anecdote that will transport you somewhere you've never been!
A Reunion Between Siblings
By: River Porter
Character species:
Marola/Brownie, Williala, Lewilas- Elf
Holight- Angel
Fireclark- Dragon Human hybrid
Jonesbell- Fairy
Kengata/Skye- Giant
Sanwolf/Howl- Werewolf
I looked in my closet, wondering what my sister would judge this time. She walks into either my house or my brother's house and sees what pieces of clothes would work with how we look or not. She’s a fashion designer so it ever so slightly makes sense.
Knock knock knock
“Coming!” I said, I left my room and opened the door.
“Marola! I’ve missed you, my sibling!” Williala said. We heard footsteps running down the stairs, soon two, then three.
“Aunt Will!” We heard my youngest, Holight, say. We laughed a little, hoping she wouldn’t fall down the stairs like she has done in the past. My other two kids, Fireclark and Jonesbell, were right behind her, going slow so they didn't trip her or make her fall. I adopted all of them, they were all abandoned by their biological parents, so they're my kids now. I don’t regret adopting them, they love living here, they love my sister and brother, and they love that I’m their parent.
“My little angel! How are you?” My sister asked, hugging her and twirling her around.
“I’m good! Even better now that you're here!” She said excitedly.
“Can I come in please? It’s really cold outside,” My brother, Lewilas, asked. It was 70° outside, he’s a trickster, which is why he and Jonesbell get along well. My sister put Holight down and let him in, then gave Fireclark and Jonesbell hugs, Lewilas did the same. And as I predicted, Williala walked into my room, and judged my clothes, then asked if there was anything I like that didn’t fit anymore, not of mine but my kids, so she talked to them about it while Lewilas and I talked in the kitchen.
“Have you found anything yet?” Lewilas asked me. Years ago I saw our parents die in the hands of two unknown people, since then I have changed and are now on a hunt for them.
“I learned that they knew our parents in middle school. They only really talked in the hallways and a few times in class. I ran into them on my last mission, they were trying to stop me. They barely recognized me. They said that they were sorry they had to do it in front of me. I didn’t forgive them, and I almost lost the fight. I knocked them out then their people came and I had to leave,” I responded. Lewilas looked like he was going to cry when I said they knew our parents.
“Did you get their names?” He asked. Holding back his tears, I walked over and hugged him.
“No, but I’m looking into it,” I responded. He nodded and hugged me back. I miss my brother, we’re all so busy with work. He’s a doctor, there will be days he will call because of the disrespectful people and just to talk. My sister has always wanted me to be a model in one of her shows, just once, I always decline as I am not model worthy. My friends and I run a spy business. I am the assassin. Well, we all know how to do each other's jobs, we just say what we’re good at. Williala walked in and joined the hug.
“So, Marola, I have a show coming up,” Williala said, knowing the response but asking anyway.
“No,” I responded.
“No,” I didn’t let her finish, I didn’t wanna hear it, I just wanted a nice moment with my siblings, and that's when my kids came.
“Family hug!” Holight said happily. We all laughed and let them join in the hug. After hugging for a while we hear footsteps outside of my house. Skye, that’s her code name and her nickname, Kengata is her real name. I walked upstairs to my room and opened the window.
“Brownie! I didn’t know you lived in a mushroom house. You said you wouldn’t after your parents died,” Skye said, looking at my house adoring it. She loves mushrooms, way too much in my opinion, which is why she’s always loved my childhood home.
“I changed my mind, it just feels right,” I responded. “Why are you here?”
“Mission from Howl,” She told me. “But I see you have company so do it whenever you can, no rush,” She handed me my mission and gave a smile.
“Hi Kengata!” Lewilas and Williala said at the same time.
“Hi! Hi kids!” Skye responded. They all waved, then Skye had to go. I opened up my mission. My parents' killers.